Discover, Live, and Thrive In Your Life's Purpose

There's only one thing that separates those who are stuck and stagnating, from those who thrive financially, professionally, romantically and spiritually.


Everything changes the moment you say YES to yourself and your purpose!

Your whole life improves when you bring your purpose to life.

Abundance follows your life purpose.

There's only one difference between people who are thriving financially, spiritually, romanically and with their health and those who are stuck, stagnated and missing out on life.

That difference?

Those who are thriving have discovered their life's purpose and live it each day.

    • Do you want to live an extraordinary life? You want the courage to go after your dreams, even when they feel big and scary or way beyond your reach?
    • Do you want to have more than enough money to take care of yourself and your loved ones?
    • Do you want to finally create a Soulmate relationship?
    • Are you ready to lose the weight and love your body?
    • Do you feel called to start a business or have a career aligned with your purpose?

Today’s the day that you take the first step to Discover, Live and Thrive in Your Life's Purpose.

So if you already know what you want, the question is, why aren’t you out there making it happen?

You don’t know where to start. You journal. You meditate. You practice forgiveness. You repeat your mantras every morning, and you practice gratitude every night. You’re doing everything you’ve been told you should be doing to manifest the life you really want, but you’re left overwhelmed, doubtful or paralyzed by indecision.

You don’t have the right support. You’re surrounded by people who don’t really ‘get’ you, or understand the way you look at life. Every time you dare to dream bigger or color outside the lines, your parents, siblings, and friends all cut you down, and remind you how you should be grateful for what you already have.

You don’t like uncertainty. You know you’ve been going down a path that took you in the opposite direction of your dream, but paradoxically, it’s made you feel safe. You’d much rather stay in that toxic relationship or career and know you’ll be unhappy, than strike out on your own and risk not knowing what to expect around the next corner.

You prioritize everyone else’s needs ahead of your own. You’ve allowed your friends, partner, parents, and employers to call the shots in practically every area of your life. And right now it just feels easier to go with the flow and keep the peace – even if that means your wants, needs, and dreams take a back seat.

You crave approval. Your parents, partner, friends, boss, or those moms at the school gates -- you care way too much about what all of them think. You’re afraid to show up in the world as your true self, because you’re convinced you’ll be judged harshly for it. Time and time again you make personal sacrifices that cost you both emotionally and physically, all because you desperately need gold stars from others.

You’re numbing how you really feel. Booze, nicotine, drugs, sugar…whatever it is, you’re relying on something to get you through each day. A ‘quick fix’ to make you feel better at the end of a challenging day at work, when that guy doesn’t call you like he said he would, or when your mom makes you feel like you’re not enough.


Whatever brought you here, I’m ready and waiting to show you how to radically shift your mindset, find your purpose and Claim Your Power.

Claim Your Power is a live 8-week transformational journey of the mind, body and spirit for ambitious, high-performing people like you, who want to live extraordinary lives aligned with their soul’s purpose.

Packed with practical, easy-to-understand teachings and immersion exercises, Claim Your Power is a complete system that will teach you everything you need to know to stop misdirecting your energy and start steering your life purposefully in the direction you want it to go.

Are you ready to Claim Your Power?

I created Claim Your Power so that you can get all the mentorship, structure and support you need to kick-start your life, without the need for making any other high-ticket investments.

After working through the Claim Your Power system, you won’t feel the need to continue investing thousands of dollars every year in therapy.

You won’t feel the need to continue buying in books or other programs that promise to change your life but only ever really scratch the surface.

And you won’t feel like you’re constantly searching outside yourself for answers that, deep down, you’ve known all along.

This is your time to put yourself and your happiness first.

Here’s how the Claim Your Power curriculum fits together:

  • Module One: Claim Your Clarity
    Wondering why you’re setting and breaking the same New Year’s Resolutions year after year? Trying to work out why you feel like you’re stuck, struggling and doubting yourself, even though you’re super-smart, intelligent, and your life looks pretty good on paper to outsiders looking in? Relax, it’s all about to come clear.
  • Module Two: Claim Your Energy
    Do you wake up every morning and mentally calculate how long it’ll be before you can climb back under the covers because you’re just so damn tired?
    Reality check: it’s going to be impossible to live an extraordinary life if you’re always running with an energy deficit and aren't able to show up fully to live it.
  • Module Three: Claim Your Purpose
    Prioritizing everyone else’s wants, needs, and dreams ahead of your own is the perfect recipe for confusion. It’s time for you to figure out why you’re here and what your true purpose really is. You were born with a purpose, and though we never lose it, it can get lost or buried. But not any longer -- you’re about to reconnect with your “why”.
  • Module Four: Claim Your Courage
    Putting yourself out there and making yourself vulnerable, especially when there’s no guarantee of success is not an easy thing to do. If you find yourself stuck and struggling to take action when you’re already clear what you want, then the skill you’re yet to master is courage.
  • Module Five: Claim Your Vision
    “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Vision is incredibly powerful -- it’s the antidote to living a life without purpose. When you’re crystal clear who you want to be, who you want to serve and how you’re going to do it, everything changes.
  • Module Six: Claim Your Action
    Once you have the confidence and clarity about vision, you’ll need to plan how your extraordinary life will take shape. When you’re not fully living your purpose, the actions you take lack power. What you’re about to learn will make sure that never happens again.
  • Module Seven: Claim Your Connection
    Within you is a power - a force of wisdom - that is pure genius. You already have all the answers that you’ve been searching for. When you learn how to connect with and act from the heart, you’ll never make a wrong move again.

When You Enroll in Claim Your Power, You'll Also Receive these Bonus Life Lessons that underpin everything you learn:

BONUS #1: Claim Your Boundaries
If you have a hard time saying “no” to people and you struggle to enforce your boundaries, this lesson is for you. Learn how to say “no” with grace and ease so you’ll never feel resentful ever again.

BONUS #2: Claim Your Time
Living your purpose is practically impossible if you’re constantly investing one of your most precious resources in other people’s priorities. Discover the practical steps for taking back your schedule and creating space for the things that bring you fulfillment and joy.

BONUS #3: Claim Your Money Mindset
While money isn’t everything, having it may create a greater sense of freedom and choice. And freedom and choice are where it’s at when it comes to claiming your power and living with purpose. Learn how to cultivate a strong money mindset, respect the money you have, and attract more of it into your world.

Bonus #4: Mastin’s Bonus Cash Injection Call
You will receive access to a call with Mastin that is designed to help you start smashing your money blocks and creating financial abundance right away.

Bonus #5: Two Tickets to Claim Your Power LIVE 2017*
*$99 per ticket materials fee applies

This, my friend, is the cherry on top!
After 8 weeks of intense, loving, transformational training and coaching, the program culminates with a 4-day immersion experience in Los Angeles: Claim Your Power Live.

I think I can safely say this will be a simply unforgettable, life-changing experience that will transform you on a cellular level.

A far cry from some boring event with binders and bad coffee, Claim Your Power Live is one big love-fest filled with pounding music, powerful interventions, energizing yoga classes, and real life hugs from the people in your soul-tribe!

You’ll receive two tickets to the event (each valued at $1000). I’d love for you to join us for this epic graduation ceremony -- but if you can’t make it this year, don't worry, you can come next year.

A Special Note from Mastin to Students of the Claim Your Power Free Accelerator Course

As someone who’s recently purchased (and hopefully read!) my new Claim Your Power book, thank you!

And if you’ve taken the absolutely free and amazing Claim Your Power Accelerator course that’s available to readers of the book, congratulations! I’m so proud of your commitment to growth and building a purpose-driven life.

You may be wondering, I’ve already taken the Accelerator course. Why would I want to pay actual money to take Claim Your Power?

I’m going to tell you why—because Claim Your Power is the perfect opportunity to build on the groundwork you’ve already laid in the Accelerator course.

Claim Your Power allows you to:

  • Go even deeper with an 8-week curriculum that provides more time and depth to explore all the incredible facets of Claiming Your Power.
  • Join your tribe with one year of access to the Power Tribe Facebook community.
  • Thrive even more thanks to access to my Bonus Cash Injection Call, as well as the Claim Your Boundaries, Claim Your Time, and Claim Your Money Mindset bonus lessons.
  • And biggest of all, you’ll also get two tickets to the next life-changing Claim Your Power LIVE event, which is worth the price of admission to the Claim Your Power course many, many times over.

That’s right. All of that is included—and it’s easily a $15,000 value.

As someone who’s already done the work in the Accelerator course, you’re in an incredible position to build on what you’ve learned, and start truly soaring.

It’s a no-brainer.

So do it. Make the leap. Join us.

With love,

Your Instructor

Mastin Kipp
Mastin Kipp

Mastin Kipp is a #1 best-selling author and the creator of Functional Life Coaching™ who specializes in a strategic, no-B.S. approach to accelerate his clients’ lives and businesses. Mastin has been recognized by Oprah Winfrey on her Emmy-award winning show SuperSoul Sunday as a “spiritual thinker for the next generation.”

Mastin appears alongside Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Brené Brown, and many others as a part of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, a collection of awakened leaders who are using their voices and talent to elevate humanity.